SAS Event Date: 
Tuesday, 14 September 2021 - 8:45am to 4:30pm
General Information: 

Who Would Benefit
Consultants and SAS grades that are approved ES teaching medical students and supervising trainee doctors- Those wanting to add Teach the Teacher to their skills or who are in need of a refresher.
Course Description
Recognition of Trainers: Standards & Guidance
In line with https://www.nwpgmd.nhs.uk/educator-development/standards-guidance/


The GMC has in place arrangements for the formal recognition and approval of Clinical and Educational Supervisors which requires HEE (NW) to be responsible for recognising trainers and forwarding these to the GMC for approval.
Domain 1: Ensuring safe and effective patient care through training.
Domain 2: Establishing and maintaining an environment for learning.
Domain 3: Teaching and facilitating learning.
Domain 4: Enhancing learning through assessment.
Domain 5: Supporting and monitoring educational progress.
Domain 6: Guiding personal and professional development.
Domain 7: Continuing professional development as an educator.


Learning Outcomes: By the end of this workshop, Delegates can:
 Identify training needs through Training Needs Analysis
 Explain the teaching process
 Display and understanding of how to adapt to different learning styles
 Show how to set key learning objectives
 Validate your teaching
 Explain and use different teaching methodologies
This workshop will include:
 Introduction to training
 The teaching process
 Establishing training needs
 Mechanisms, models, and tools
 How people learn in teaching ◦Learning curves / the learning cycle
 Memory / Retention / Motives for learning / Barriers to learning
 Establishing learning objectives
 Body language platform skills and rapport creation
 Validating your teaching
 Adapting to learning types
 Managing group dynamics and challenging learners
 Structure in teaching: Planning the session / attention curves
 Designing interactive exercises


CPD Points: 6


To book your place on this course, please contact:
soh-tr.PostGrad-News@nhs.net or phone 01704 705246.


Education Centre. Southport DGH. Town Lane .Kew, Southport. PR8 6PN