Eligibility to Attend Courses

Eligibility to attend Courses.

Dental Courses approved within this category are provided for dental practitioners in the General Dental Practice (GDP) and Salaried Primary Care Dental Services (SPCDS) and are funded out of money disbursed to Postgraduate Dental Dean/Directors by the Department of Health for that purpose.  The funding is allocated to each Dean annually based on the number of NHS GDPs, dentists in their area to meet identified training needs.  There is in addition an allocation from the NMET budget for postgraduate training of DCPs employed within one of the above services. 

Any NHS GDP whose name is included on a Performers list, a SPCDS, University Dental Hospital or Keeping in Touch schemes (KITS) member, is eligible to attend funded courses.  DCPs should be employed by a practitioner with a performer number, working in SPCDS OR University Dental Hospitals to be eligible to attend the appropriate training courses.

Eligible GDPs attending an NHS funded course may reclaim their travel and subsistence expenses from their PCT on Form FP84-0306. The form must be countersigned by the course organiser or the Centre Administrator and then sent to the appropriate PCT.  Dentists can claim for Travel and Subsistence however, DCP's are unable to be reimbursed for Travel and Subsistence.

"Non-eligible" Dentists and DCPs may attend courses organised with NHS funding at the discretion of the Director of Postgraduate Dental Education, provided sufficient places are available, although a higher fee will be levied.