SuppoRTT Champions

In the North West we have two types of Champions to support you through the process:

School SuppoRTT Champions work with the training programmes, Trust SuppoRTT Champions, Trust Specialty Training Leads (TSTLs) and LTFT Leads to ensure that postgraduate doctors in training and trainers are aware of the RTT process, and ensure that relevant return to training activities (RTT-A), including speciality specific return to training days, are available.

Trust SuppoRTT Champions provide postgraduate doctors in training of all specialties and their supervisors with guidance regarding the relevant policies and available resources.

We now also have Peer SuppoRTT Reps to provide peer support, advice and guidance to those returning to their specialty.

Below is a list of things each role can help you with; the list is not exhaustive but should help guide you towards the support you require.

Trust SuppoRTT Champions
  • Breastfeeding policies
  • Enhanced supervision
  • Identifying ES
  • Induction
  • KIT / SRTT days
  • Rota support
  • Signpost to local training / courses
  • Workplace issues

Trust SuppoRTT Champions Contact List

NB: If you need to contact the Lead Employer please email their Helpdesk: Please don't contact the Mersey and West Lancashire Trust SuppoRTT Champions unless you are leaving or returning to those hospitals.   

Foundation doctors should contact their Trust SuppoRTT Champion for any support they require.

Many Trust SuppoRTT Champions are also the Trust’s LTFT Champion so will also be able to support you with LTFT issues. If the roles are undertaken by separate people you can find the current list of LTFT Training Champions here.

School SuppoRTT Champions
  • Curriculum queries
  • Day 3 of the NW SuppoRTT Course
  • Mentoring / Coaching
  • RTT Activities
  • Specialty specific issues

School SuppoRTT Champions Contact List


Peer SuppoRTT Reps (this list also contains LTFT Reps)

  • Peer support, advice and guidance

Page updated 7th February 2025