North West School of Surgery - Training Programme Directors

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North West School of Surgery

Training Programme Directors


Specialty Training Programme Directors

Below is a list of the Surgical Training Programme Directors (TPDs) in the North West. In some specialties there is one TPD per sector, in others one TPD oversees both sectors.

Specialty Training Programme Director
Cardio-thoracic Surgery Steve Woolley
Core Surgical Training James Pollard (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Mehdi Motamed (Greater Manchester, Lancashire & South Cumbria)

Sunil Sharma (Cheshire and Merseyside)
Sabeen Akhtar (Education/Training)
General Surgery Emma Davies (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Kulbir Mann (Cheshire and Merseyside)
Neurosurgery Deborah Ferguson (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Ajay Sinha (Cheshire and Merseyside)
Oral and Maxillo-facial Surgery Sherif Bayoumi
Otolaryngology (ENT) Samit Ghosh
Paediatric Surgery Sarah Wood
Plastic Surgery Chidi Ekwobi (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Charlotte Defty (Cheshire and Merseyside)
Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgery Mike Woodruff (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Jo Banks (Cheshire and Merseyside)
Urology Euan Green (Greater Manchester, Lancashire and South Cumbria)
Snehal Patel (Cheshire and Merseyside)
Vascular Surgery Sandhir Kandola (acting TPD)


Portfolio Training Programem Directors (covering all surgical specialties)

*added 12 June 2024*

Portfolio Training Programme Director
Bullying, Undermining and Harassment (BUH) David Riding
Matthew Rowland
Examinations Margaret Lyttle
Chris Smart
Trainees Requiring Extra Support (TRES) Nazia Munir
Corinne Owers
Cadaveric/Simulation/Robotic Sankalap Tandon


Administrative Support for Training Committees

pdf icon Administrative Support Guidance for Training Committee Meetings


Appraisals for TPDs

pdf icon Educational Appraisal for Senior Educators


Clinical Supervision of Doctors in Training at Out-Patient Clinics

pdf icon COPMeD: Doctors in training and clinical supervision at out-patient clinics


Cultural Awareness

There are three 'Cultural Awareness for Surgeons' modules available on the JCST/ISCP Youtube channel:

external link icon Module 1: Language - Guidance on how to speak appropriately to people from different cultures, showing typical characteristics of language, both verbal and non-verbal.

external link icon Module 2: Politeness - Guidance on understanding the two universal components of politeness, giving instruction on how cultures convey politeness differently.

external link icon Module 3: Power and Status - Guidance on how cultures react differently to power and status and tips on how to address those differences in positive ways in surgical practice.


Trainees Requiring Extra Support (TRES)/Doctors and Dentists Review Group (DDRG)

Please see the Trainees Requiring Extra Support (TRES) section.


Early Certification

4.11   There will be occasions when a trainee progresses more rapidly than the expected rate of progress and in such cases, the award of an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) Outcome 6 can be brought forwards. However, this can only occur if:

  1. the trainee has gained all the relevant cappabilities required in the curriculum
  2. the trainee has completed all the necessary examinations and assessments

4.12   Early achievement of the CCT needs to be planned via the ARCP process and would not normally be advanced by more than one year.


The Gold Guide 9th Edition - Section 4: Progressing as a Specialty Trainee

pdf icon JCST's  Early Certification Principles

pdf icon JCST's Requesting change to provisional certification date flowchart


Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives

pdf icon Enhancing Junior Doctors’ Working Lives - a progress report 2018

pdf icon HEE and EJDWL 2018 presentation by Dr Alistair Thomson



If you are claiming expenses relating to attendance at National Selection, you should claim directly from NHS England using the expense claim form on our policies and procedures page (under heading “Expenses Claim Form”). 

Any other TPD related expenses should be claimed from you own trust, who will then re-charge NHS England.


Gold Guide

external link icon The Gold Guide (9th Edition)


Managing Less Than Full Time Doctors in Training

pdf icon Managing Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Doctors in Training

pdf icon Email from Jon Hossain RE: Educational Supervisors Less Than Full Time Training Package


SMART Objectives

MS Word icon SMART Objectives Template


Study Leave Top Slicing

pdf icon Study Leave Top Slicing - A Quick Guide

pdf icon Study Leave Top Slicing - Example Invoice


Support for Doctors with Mental Health or Addiction Concerns

NHS Practitioner Health is a free and confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists with issues relating to a mental health concern or addiction problem, especially where these may affect their work.

The service is open to any medical or dental practitioners in England, who are GMC or GDC registered, or those looking to return to clinical practice.

pdf icon NHS Practitioner Health Leaflet

Opening Hours: Monday to Friday 8am-8pm, Saturday 8am-2pm

Telephone: 0300 030 3300




Time Out of Training (TOOT)

pdf icon Time Out of Training - GMC position statement - November 2012 


Trainees Requiring Extra Support (TRES)

NHS England North West, Doctors in Training Support Network, Directory of Services - See under heading "Trainees Requiring Extra Support"

pdf icon Maintaining High Professional Standards (MHPS) in the modern NHS 


Doctors in Training Support Network

Information on specialist support services for doctors in training who are experiencing difficulties which may affect their ability to train.

NHS England North West Training Support Network


What Constitutes Exceptional Circumstances?

pdf icon NHS England North West ARCP Protocol - Appendix 2: What Constitutes Exceptional Circumstances?


More Resources

Please see the Resources for Educational Supervisors section.


NHS England North West Links

Training Support Network

SuppoRTT (Supported Return to Training)

Study Leave | Email:

Out of Programme (OOP) information

Less Than Full Time (LTFT) Training | Email:

Policies and Procedures

Revalidation | Form R | Email:

Leadership courses (Medical Leadership Fellowships, Postgraduate Module in Medical Leadership)

Education courses (PG Certificate in Workplace Based Postgraduate Medical Education Fellowship) | Email:

Careers advice

Intra-LETB Transfer Policy for transferring between sectors within NHS England – North West (on Policies and Procedures page)


Page Last Updated 12 June 2024