Policies & Procedures



Appeals Process (ARCP)

pdf icon Formal Appeals Process Guidance

pdf icon ARCP and Appeals Panel Chair Training

FileGrounds for Review/Appeal Form

Application Guidance and Policy for Run Through Training Pilots



ARCP Protocol

pdf icon ARCP Protocol

pdf icon Appendix 4 - Guidelines for Monitoring Clinical Academic Training and Progress

pdf icon ARCP and Appeals Panel Chair Training


 Cancellation Policy

Chaperone Guidance

pdf icon Chaperone Guidance - Doctors

pdf icon Chaperone Guidance - Dentists

Complaints and non-ARCP appeals

HEE Complaints Procedure

Complaints Policy – Medical and Dental Specialty Training Recruitment 2022

Non-ARCP appeal process


Domestic Abuse

Domestic Abuse 

Coroners Inquests

Word icon Coroners Inquests - A guide for Learners

Word icon Coroners Inquests - Writing a Statement

Word icon Supporting Trainees attending a Coroner's Court

Word icon Writing a statement - Statement Template

Expenses Claim Form

Word icon Guide to Travel and Subsistence Claims


Interview Expenses Claim Forms 

HEE are introducing a new online expenses system, Selenity, for panel member interview expenses with effect 1st January 2019.  

You can find the consultant policy on what you can claim, how to set up your online account and submit claims via the Specialty Training website. Please follow the link below and see the section called: Expenses:  


Form R

Please go to our form R page 


Foundation Policies and Processes

Freedom of Information

Word icon  SAR Freedom of Information Form

The Information Commissioner's Office Website

Gold Guide

pdf icon Gold Guide v9

Gold Guide v9 appendices

pdf icon Authorised summary of changes to Gold Guide v9

Guidance re: Professional Requirements and a Criminal Offence

pdf icon Guidance to trainees and trainers re: professional requirements if arrested, charged or convicted of a criminal offence

Guidance for Trainees and Trainers re: undertaking Additional Work

pdf icon Guidance for trainees and trainers on undertaking additional work whilst in a postgraduate medical education training programme

Guidance for Trainees Notified of a GMC Investigation

pdf icon Guidance for Trainees Notified of a GMC Investigation

Guidelines for Monitoring Academic Training and Progress

Word icon Guidelines for Monitoring Academic Training and Progress

Guidance on Providing Pastoral Support

pdf icon Guidance on Providing Pastoral Support to Trainee Involved in Serious Incident

HEE Indemnity cover - non trust settings

Effective for new trainees from 4th August 2021 and for existing trainees from 5th August 2021.

pdf icon  FAQs - HEE Indemnity cover - non trust settings

Intra LETB Transfer (Transferring within HEE across the North West)

pdf icon Intra-LETB Transfer - Process & Guidance For Trainees 

Word icon Intra-LETB Transfer - Application Form
Word icon Intra-LETB Transfer - Supporting Document A
Word icon Intra-LETB Transfer - Supporting Document B
Word icon Intra-LETB Transfer - Supporting Document C
Word icon Intra-LETB Transfer - Supporting Document D

Inter-Deanery Transfer Policy

 Inter-Deanery Transfer

Word icon Inter-Deanery Transfers Policy

Less Than Full Time Training

Less Than Full Time Training Policy

Medical Training Initiative

Medical Training Initiative

National Dress Code for Doctors and Dentists in Training

Dress Codes

National Junior Doctor Terms & Conditions of Service (The New Deal)

 National Junior Doctor Terms & Conditions of Service (The New Deal)

 Junior Doctor Advisory Team – for all rota queries relating to the T&Cs and EWTD

Period of Grace (POG)

pdf icon Guidance Document

A link to the POG intent form will be sent to trainees 6-7 months prior to their CCT date. 

Privacy Notice

 HEE Privacy Notice

Professional Leave for Doctors in Training

Word icon Professional Leave for Doctors in Training

Removals and Excess Travel

Word icon Removals and Excess Travel

Revalidation Requirements for Trainees Undertaking Roles Outside of Training

pdf icon Revalidation Requirements for Trainees Undertaking Roles Outside of Training

Standard Operating Processes

There are nationally approved Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for England aligned to the principles of ‘A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Foundation and Specialty Training in the UK’ (‘the Gold Guide’) and ‘A Reference Guide for Postgraduate Dental Core and Specialty Training’ (‘The Dental Gold Guide’).

You can access the NHS England (formerly HEE) SOPs here

Stopping and Starting the Training Clock

pdf icon Prolonged Absence Guidance

pdf icon Appendix 1 GMC Position Statement Time out of Training

pdf icon Appendix 2 FP REFERENCE GUIDE

pdf icon Appendix 3 AoMRC Return to Practice Guidance

Study Leave

Study leave details

Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT)

 NW SuppoRTT Guidance

 Quick Reference Guide

 SuppoRTT webpages

Time Out of Programme

Time Out of Programme details


 HEE extends whistleblowing protection for doctors in training