
Support 4 Doctors

Support4Doctors provides access to a wide range of specialist advice and support for doctors and their families. There are also links to organisations that can provide further help.

Find it at: is the largest and most active network of GMC authenticated doctors in the UK. It is a trusted channel for information, communication and education and is used by more than 40,000 doctors every day.  Click here to visit their website.


BMJ Careers


Click here to find 1000s of Hospital, Medical, GP, and NHS vacancies; plus medical courses, career-related advice and articles.


Specialty Training

This website aims to support doctors and dentists in applying for specialty training posts in the NHS within the United Kingdom, and to provide information on changes to the recruitment and training process.

Find it at:


For information on how to apply to the Foundation Programme, what to expect during your training, how assessments work, how to get the most out of your Foundation Learning Portfolio and what resources are available to help you decide on your future career.

Health Careers

        Make a difference with a career in health.

Guiding Doctors in managing their careers

By Author Ruth Chambers this book is a practical toolkit for every doctor, tutor and manager in hospitals, medical schools and primary care who gives formal or informal advice to students, juniors and colleagues. Guiding Doctors in Managing their Careers incorporates, in a practical way, all the key concepts in Modernising Medical Careers, the NHS Priorities, the NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework, and new variations in career pathways. It also distinguishes between career information, guidance and counselling and explains the required competencies for each.

So you want to be a brain surgeon? (Success in Medicine)

Which doctors make the most money? Which doctors work the hardest? How do you become an expedition doctor? What is it like to be a brain surgeon? Will it affect your career if you take a break? If any of these questions are relevant to you then this could be the most important book you ever read. Whether you are wondering what career to choose or want to know how to follow a particular medical career, you'll find the answers inside.

The ROADS to success – a practical approach to career management for medical students, junior doctors

A collaberation from Elton, C. and Reid, J 'The Road to Success' can be a vital tool in choosing the right specialty which is a critical decision that all junior doctors face.

This is a carefully structured handbook to support both trainees and their supervisors througout the career planning process. This is a practical handbook packed with essential information, self-assessment including psychometric tests and insightful tips.
