Frequently Asked Questions

The following page provides answers to some of the frequently asked questions about SAS related issues.  They are not exhaustive so if you have any other questions please do contact us. 

Index of questions

  1. Who is my SAS Trust Lead / Tutor and what are their responsibilities?
  2. Who is my first point of contact within Health Education England regarding SAS matters?
  3. What is HEE doing with allocated funding for SAS Professional Development?
  4. I am a Trust Grade doctor, but not a Staff Grade, Associate Specialist or Specialty doctor, is this funding intended for me too?
  5. I want to apply for CESR under Article 14.  Will HENW provide funding for me to do this?

 1. Who is my SAS Trust Lead / Tutor, and what are their responsibilities?

Each Trust has a designated SAS Trust Lead/Tutor whose contact details can be found here.  They are the first point of contact for SAS doctors looking for guidance on accessing professional development opportunities.

Health Education England hosts quarterly Education Committee Meetings & Networking for the Trust Leads / Tutors & Administrators to enable better communication and the sharing of good practice.  

2. Who is my first point of contact within Health Education England regarding SAS matters?

0151 479 2583 or

3. What is HEE doing with funding for SAS Professional Development?

HEE is responsible for the management and allocation of educational funding for SAS doctors, working collaboratively with SAS Leads, Tutors and Local Education Providers (LEPs) to ensure the fund is utilised appropriately.

£12 million of recurrent funding was made available by the Department of Health in 2008 to support the development of SAS grade doctors and this is separate and in addition to any existing study leave funding. 

The development fund for SAS Doctors within HEE (NW) is held centrally and managed by the afore mentioned team, who work closely with Leads, Tutors and LEPs who submit business cases to secure funding for educational development and training.

4. I am a Trust Grade doctor, but not a Staff Grade, Associate Specialist or Specialty doctor, is this funding intended for me too?

There is no national guidance as to the use of this funding for other non-training grades such as clinical fellows, hospital practitioners and other such trust-appointed posts, but we would encourage Trusts to ensure there is adequate professional development provision for all non-training grade doctors.  Where possible initiatives offered by HEE, such as the annual conference, will be open to ALL non-training grade doctors in substantive posts in the the North West.  The only exception to this is locum doctors, as this funding is not intended for temporary agency doctors.

5. I want to apply for CESR under Article 14.  Will HEE provide funding for me to do this?

Please refer to our Principles and Guidance document for information about funding.

There are a range of different things you could use the funding to help yourself through preparing for the process, for example attending relevant courses.  Please contact your SAS Trust Lead / Tutor for guidance.

Please note that HEE or the Trusts cannot fund individual application fees with the allocated SAS professional development funding.   Whilst an SAS doctor can be aided in progressing towards completion of their application, for example by accessing relevant courses or attending relevant teaching sessions, the application fee is not something that the fund should be used for.  This is a professional commitment in the same way that professional registration or membership fees are an individual professional commitment and not that of HEE or the Trust.

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