Different Ways People Do It

Reflecting on how others act in meetings and clinical situations can help reinforce how different people do things differently.

Getting the opportunity to do a Belbin inventory http://www.belbin.com/ can help you identify your team role, or completing a Myers Briggs type http://www.myersbriggs.org/ can help you understand how you work and how that compares to others. These tools may be done as part of your training, and may also be useful to complete when you have completed your training.

The following is an initial resource list. It will be continually updated:


The Power of Servant Leadership by Robert Greenleaf is based on writing from the 1970's and 80's and is a collection of writings on the topic. Full reference:

Greenleaf, R. (1998). The Power of Servant Leadership. Berrett Koehler.

The Dance of Change by Peter Senge (or the Fifth Discipline) offers exercises, tools and techniques for sustaining organisational learning over the long term. Full reference:

Senge, P. (1998). The Dance of Change. Nicholas Brearley Publishing.

Inspirational Leadership by Richard Olivier. Oliver, R. (2001). Inspirational Leadership. The Industrial Society.

Handbook of Creative Team Leaders by Tudor Rickards and Susan Moger is described as providing good grounding in the principles of team work. Full reference:

Rickards, T. & Moger, S. (1999). Handbook of Creative Team Leaders. Gower.

Shared Leadership: Underpinning the MLCF by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement is a short publication discussing the concept of Shared Leadership. There is particular reference to definition, links to the MLCF, evidence for effectiveness, how shared leadership can be applied in a clinical setting and a brief critique to the approach. This publication also offers a reference list for further reading on the concept of Shared Leadership. The publication can be found at: http://www.institute.nhs.uk/images/documents/Shared%20Leadership%20Underpinning%20of%20the%20MLCF.pdf







 Page reviewed 03 October 2013