Introduction to GP Specialty Training

Your training programme is designed to support you in achieving the requirements of the GP Curriculum.

Your programme will be delivered in a series of supervised hospital and GP posts with formal education sessions. Some trainees will get an opportunity to do GP+ or integrated training posts (ITPs) posts during ST1 or ST2. GP+ are posts that are based in general practice with opportunities for learning in other environment(s).  ITP posts are based in GP with a significant part of the working week based in secondary care.

You are required to demonstrate competence by submitting evidence on your e-portfolio including assessments and a learning log. You have to pass all 3 components of the Membership of the Royal College of GPs (MRCGP) exam which are:

Workplace Based Assessment (WPBA)

  • Clinical Skills Assessment (CSA), which can be taken using the Recorded
  • Consultation Assessment (RCA)
  • Applied Knowledge Test (AKT)

Full details of the curriculum and assessments are published on the RCGP Website

The following educators will be involved in your training programme:-

Educational Supervisor (ES) – This will normally be your ST3 GP trainer who will meet you at regular intervals throughout your 3 year programme to advise and support your training. You will need a formal Educational Supervisors Review (ESR) every 6 months of training where your progress towards CCT will be assessed using evidence in your e-portfolio

Clinical Supervisor (CS) – This is the GP trainer or hospital consultant who oversees a single post. They are responsible for the day to day experience and your assessments (though other senior clinicians may perform individual assessments). You should have a formal meeting with your clinical supervisor at the start of your post, at the midpoint, and at the end. At the final meeting, the Clinical Supervisors Report (CSR) should be completed.

Training Programme Director (TPD) – This is a GP who organises the tracks and placements and the structured teaching programme. The TPD should be your first point of contact for any queries about your overall programme.

Primary Care Medical Educator (PCME) – This is a GP who will be involved in delivering the structured teaching programme. They may also undertake some duties delegated by the TPD

Your education will be delivered in a variety of formats

Structured Teaching Programme – This is a formal programme of education delivered through the 3 years of training. Details of your local teaching will be given to you by your TPD. All programmes are designed to supplement the learning from your clinical experience to meet the requirements of the GP curriculum. Attendance at the programme is mandatory and is part of your study leave allowance.

Tutorial – Whilst in a GP post you should have a weekly formal protected 2 hour tutorial with your GP trainer or another member of the practice team. The subjects of your tutorials should be negotiated with your trainer based on your learning needs but will include assessments and reviews.

Departmental teaching – Whilst in hospital posts there will be a variety of formal teaching sessions arranged by the department you are working in or the local Postgraduate Centre.

GP Specialty School Induction Module

Welcome to Health Education England (North West) GP Specialty Training School and to our Induction Module for GP Specialty Trainees.

We would welcome your views and feedback on your experiences with this module.

The Induction module is designed to link with HEE NW website ( where you will find more comprehensive guidance, together with HEE NW policies and procedures for doctors in training. We have tried not to overwhelm you with facts and red tape here but to provide useful and user-friendly information.

Quite a mixed bunch have come together to produce the information and guidance contained here - we have contributions from current GP trainees at all levels, Associate GP Deans, and the GP Team. We all sincerely hope that it proves useful and informative.

Under the GP Trainee Forum Section there are a couple of very useful downloadable documents - GPST Information Booklet and GPST e-Portfolio Guide. You might like to print off or save these documents for future reference.